The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ: |
What it is:The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ is a book published in 1908, and again in 1911, authored by Levi H. Dowling (18 May 1844 – 13 August 1911). Its full title is The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age. As with the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, it is a spirit-based attempt to reconstruct the original teachings of Jesus, in this case being a supposed transcription from the 'book of God's Remembrances': God's record of all athoughts, words, and deeds. How does The Aquarian Gospel of the Jesus the Christ compare to The Gospel of the Holy Twelve?The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is stronger in issues like animal compassion and the pursuit of truth, while The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ is stronger in the plan of salvation based on self-sacrifice rather than sacrificing others. Why read The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ?This is a Gospel which contains teachings so stunning (to a reader coming from the Bible and Bible-based Christianity) that they represent a fundamentally different path of Christianity (from Bible-based). Regarding salvation, Torah-based Judaism and Bible-based Christianity are models of a relationship with God based first and foremost on blood sacrifice. From the Bible's Old Testament, God is portrayed as demanding or at least being pleased with animal sacrifice for worship, sin atonmenet, thanksgiving, and religious ritual of various kinds, as well as circuncision of human males, and did ask Abraham to sacrifice his only son although God stopped it at the last moment. The right sacrifice is portrayed as the most perfect and innocent and creature. In the New Testament, Jesus is portrayed as being the ultimate and everlasting blood sacrifice for humanity which perfectly fulfills the blood covenant. In particular:
The model doesn't consider whether participants to be sacrificed are willing or not, and it should otherwise raise serious moral questions about whether slaying the innocent is really a fitting way for either God to mete divine justice or for humans to improve ourselves. Some of us would prefer a different way to follow God, and if we can choose our religion, then we can choose what book we read. Like The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that killing other innocent beings is not a sin remission model condoned by the supreme Creator:
In a similar way, in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Jesus challenges the Old Testament-based practice of making burnt offerings: "And Jesus said, Our Father-God asks not for needless waste of plant, of grain, of dove, of lamb.
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches a different model of salvation: one which is based not on sacrificing others to avoid responsibility for yourself, but based on love for others in sacrifice of self. In this model, a Christian is expected to lay down their goods and life at any time the defense of life might be require them, and no Christian is exempt from this expectation. For example:
Even the symbology of the Last Supper is based on self-sacrifice according to this Gospel: [37] And Jesus took a loaf of bread that had been broken not and said, This loaf is symbol of my body, and the bread is symbol of the bread of life;
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ has many other beyond-Bible teachings also, including the notion that a resurrection right out of the tomb, like Jesus' own, is something that any Christian could potentially do on their existing authority from God (see chapter 163 verses 37-41)!. If you want a path of Christianity based on love and self-sacrifice, rather than based on sacrificing others for yourself, you are qualified to read The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is our opinion that, if Jews, Bible-based Christians, and other believers of bloodshed-based theologies knew that there was a way to connect with God which is not fundamentally based on bloodshed of innocent life, that they would much prefer it, if only there was someone, anyone, to tell them that such a model existed. Hence this webpage. Where you can get it:
What are you supposed to do with it after reading it?Offer it to others. If any agree, you can start meeting with them regularly to discuss, even if it's just one other person. Beware that you might get start to get uncomfortable attending conventional Churches set in their ways. You don't need to go to a big church to 'go to Church'. As Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20, King James Version) That said, God Willing, you might see another option posted here in the future. What else can you do to help?
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